
How to choose the right home security cameras, don’t make these costly mistakes

When it comes to the safety of the people and belongings you value most, you want to be
confident that you’re taking the proper precautions regarding the installation of your home
security system. RI Home Security is here to support you with valuable and critical information
regarding some common installation mistakes that could end up costing you more than they
save you in the long run. This guide will help you to avoid specific security system pitfalls as you
make a well-informed, confident decision regarding the security of your home and family.

Mistake #1: Shopping According to Price Instead of Value

For the sake of forgoing the cliché phrase “you get what you pay for,” we’ll just settle for saying
that an unusually low price typically goes hand in hand with a lower quality product. While
affordability is important when searching for a home security system, you want to be sure that
you’re investing in a product that you can rely on to keep your family safe. In the world of home
security, saving a few bucks on your home security cameras could cost you immensely if your
camera produces less-than-clear images or doesn’t capture what it’s supposed to in the event
of a burglary or home invasion.

RI Home Security has a selection of high-quality cameras that are equipped with HDR (high
dynamic range) technology to help provide you with a clear image day or night, as well as video
analytics that allows you to choose the specific activities that you’d like to be alerted to. We can
work with you to educate you on which security cameras are the best fit for your specific
situation, helping you to create an affordable and reliable system to fit your family’s budget.

4 cameras and nvr

Mistake #2: Only Protecting Your Home from Outside Threats

One of the most obvious uses for a home security camera system is to defend your home
against outside intruders looking to invade your residence. It is important to note that,
sometimes, the threat to your family’s safety can come from within your own home. A
professional security system installer can assist you with putting together a comprehensive
package of security technology that will keep your home safe, inside and out. Our products
include a Carbon Monoxide Detection System and Smoke Detection System that can be
integrated into your equipment set up to detect and alert you to heat, fire, and carbon
monoxide threats within your home, even while you’re away at work or on vacation.

Mistake #3: Assuming That “It Should Be Easy Enough.”

A good time to consider leaving it up to the experts is when it comes to the safety of your home
and family. While “DIY” home security camera systems may save you a little bit of money, you
may want to assess the risk of incorrectly installing the cameras, thereby rendering them
ineffective in the case of an emergency or break-in. You can save yourself the added time,
frustration, and risk by trusting a home security expert with your installation. In addition to
sparing you the extra hassle, RI Home Security can offer you service packages on your
equipment, providing you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your system is
always operational.

Mistake #4: Leaving Your Family Vulnerable to Hackers

There’s a good chance that you may have heard about the family who fell victim to a hacker
that played fake nuclear attack warnings through their home security system. Unfortunately,
in this day and age, the threat to your home and family is no longer only a physical one. With the
advancement of technology, it has become increasingly more common for installed security systems
to fall prey to hackers.

Choosing to self-install your security system instead of trusting a professional security installer
may increase the likelihood that your system will be vulnerable to a hack if the account you use
to manage your system doesn’t have additional measures in place to protect against invasions.
RI Home Security has your home’s safety and privacy at the forefront of their mission which
means we can work with you to provide expertise and information that can keep your home
secure as security breaches become more frequent. The all in one video & security platform
RI Home Security uses, (Alarm.com), has never been hacked. Furthermore,  The system that we
utilize to help you manage your equipment offers features like two-factor authentication and
account activity alerts to make it more difficult for hackers to gain access to your account.

When shopping for a home security system it’s important to consider the overall value and
reliability of the products and services that you’re receiving. A professional security installer
can assist you with putting together the perfect package of in-home security cameras and saving
you the time and hassle of self-installation. You can call RI Home Security to obtain
additional information on how to initiate the process of protecting your home and family today.

video monitoring on cell phone

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2021-10-11T20:22:16-04:00July 13th, 2021|Home Security, Safety & Security, Smart Home|Comments Off on How to choose the right home security cameras, don’t make these costly mistakes